Our Documentation
Eximcorp imports its wood products primarily from lesser risk countries like New Zealand and members of EU in Central and Western Europe. In case of sources in Eastern European countries, Eximcorp policy requires the business ownership residence in Central or Western Europe. However, it also imports MDF & Plywood from high risk countries like Chile and Brazil. But, in such cases, the company has verified the source forestry resources by personal visits, independent enquires and on conditions where the timber land is owned by the businesses, which are predominantly in the nature of family business for several decades. In case of Russian Federation, such checks are however not possible given the nature of business ownership being oligarchy but forest resources remaining state owned.
Furthermore, 100% of composite wood product such as Plywood, MDF and Glulam are declared compliant with CARB or EPA emission limits or German DIN-EN-16516 by the producers with valid correlation established by WKI, Germany. Each of these producers has their Third Party Certifiers (TPC) regulated by CARB. Each of the producers is subject to surveillance audit. If any deficiency is observed, the licence by TPC is suspended and reported on their domain.
To facilitate due diligence, Eximcorp declares the compliance statement on delivery invoices with reference to product described, its quantity, production batch number and TPC Code including the name of the producer mill, under prior arrangement where so desired. Subject to prior arrangement between the Fabricator and Eximcorp, the batch test results for the certified product delivered to the fabricator, the test results may alsobe furnished where so desired and requested before delivery of the goods to afford the option to choose any particular batch out of several that Eximcorp may have. The sample test results that may be provided is appended in the bottom of this page for reference of the fabricator.
It may be noted that, Eximcorp will not provide any letterhead certification for the products sold and delivered except a certification on the delivery documents under the guidelines it has received from the Authorities controlling the programs.
Under the CARB regulations, a TPC is obliged to disclose the summary of its Audit report concerning the producer mill where so requested by a third party by quoting the evidence of relationship with the producer mill directly or through a distributor under chain of custody ‘inter-alia’by furnishing the Batch numbers and other product details and its quantities etc. in respect of which the report is desired on such conditions of confidentiality and such portion of the report that the TPC may determine.The list of certified mills and Third party certifiers with the TPC code and its contact details are available on CARB website which can be viewed at all time to determine whether the Mill is registered and its licence is valid or not.
Here below are our credentials pursuant to sustainable forestry policy as described above.
Sample Test Results :


Sustainable wood products are the only survival.
Contribute to environment by saying 'NO' to wood products derived from non-sustainable forestry
Related documents :
Code of Conduct Policy
Environmental Policy
