Environmental Policy
Eximcorp India Pvt Ltd believes that forest resources and associated lands should bemanaged to meet the social, economic, ecological, cultural and spiritual needs of present and future generations.Forests for the purpose of this explanation exclude the wood grown in agriculture farm or land such as poplar, eucalyptus and produce thereof.
To achieve this, Eximcorp India Pvt Ltd resolves that its customers should be ableto purchase Wood and Wood Panel Products that could be traced to sources whoseforest management systems are based on standards which take in to accountInternational environmental, ecological, biodiversity, social and economic needs.
The prime objectives of its Environmental Policy are –
Eximcorp India Pvt Ltd is committed to the responsible distribution of wood and wood panel products. It aims to distribute any and all forest products sourced from well reputed originatorsthat have been certified to credible certification standards including inspection of forestry sites and processing plants and categorically excludes any wood originating from native forests.
Eximcorp India Pvt Ltd discourages itssourcing and distribution or trade in any wood and wood panel product derivedfrom:
- Forests or forest product suppliers that do not comply with all relevant nationallegislation relating to the trade in forest products in the country of origin,
- Old growth forests including rain forests, natural forests of high-conservation-value, wherethese are recognized nationally or regionally,
- Protected areas, parks or similar areas where harvesting operations are notcomplementary to responsible forest management.
- Forests which are in areas of armed conflict or civil unrest/insurgency, where there is adirect relationship between the forest products trade and the funding of such conflicts.
- Genetically modified trees, being tress originating from recombinanttransgenic techniques.
- Wood that has been harvested illegally under the laws in the country of origin.
Eximcorp India Pvt Ltd resolves that all its wood and wood panel products are sourced from such producers or originators who demonstrate a third party certification of its deliveries in order to guarantee theauthenticity of its assurance that products traded by the company are not illegal and are environment friendly.

Sustainable wood products are the only survival.
Contribute to environment by saying 'NO' to wood products derived from non-sustainable forestry
Related documents :
Code of Conduct Policy
Environmental Policy
